01144 and +44 often work interchangeably from cell phones (use also to text British numbers).
Aberdeen | 1224 | Huddersfield | 1484 | Preston | 1772 |
Basildon | 1268 | Ipswich | 1473 | Reading | 118 |
Belfast | 28 | Kettering | 1536 | Ripon | 1765 |
Birmingham | 121 | Leeds | 113 | Rotherham | 1709 |
Blackburn | 1254 | Leicester | 116 | Salisbury | 1722 |
Blackpool | 1253 | Liverpool | 151 | Sheffield | 114 |
Bolton | 1204 | London | 20 | Slough | 1753 |
Bournemouth | 1202 | Luton | 1582 | Southampton | 23 |
Bradford | 1274 | Manchester | 161 | Southend-on-Sea | 1702 |
Brighton | 1273 | Middlesbrough | 1642 | St. Helens | 1744 |
Bristol | 117 | Newcastle | 191 | Stoke-on-Trent | 1782 |
Cambridge | 1223 | Newport | 1633 | Sunderland | 191 |
Cardiff | 29 | Northampton | 1604 | Swansea | 1792 |
Colchester | 1206 | Norwich | 1603 | Swindon | 1793 |
Coventry | 24 | Nottingham | 115 | Watford | 1923 |
Derby | 1332 | Oakham | 1572 | Wincester | 1962 |
Dundee | 1382 | Oxford | 1865 | Wolverhampton | 1902 |
Edinburgh | 131 | Peterborough | 1733 | Worcester | 1905 |
Glasgow | 141 | Plymouth | 1752 | Wormbridge | 1981 |
Gloucester | 1452 | Portsmouth | 23 | York | 1904 |
More British area codes |