How to call Argentina from the US and Canada

011 - 54 - phone number

01154 and +54 often work interchangeably from cell phones (use also to text Argentinian numbers).

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Current time in Argentina:

Calling Argentina explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 54 - Country Code for Argentina
  • phone number (remove initial 0) - 10 digits for both landlines and cell phones, area code included
  • example phone call when dialing to a landline in Buenos Aires: 011 54 11 ???? ????

Cell phone numbers:

  • add digit 9 (nine) between the country code (54) and the area code of the city you are calling; you will have 011 + 54 + 9 + ten digits.
  • if the cell number begins with 15 you must drop these two digits and add the area code instead
  • example #1: you want to dial a cell phone in Bahia Blanca; this is what you will dial from the US: 011 54 9 291 ??? ????
  • example #2: someone from Buenos Aires gives you a cell number of the format 15 ???? ????; you will replace 15 with the area code of Buenos Aires (11) and dial the following: 011 54 9 11 ???? ????

Area codes:

Buenos Aires 11 La Rioja 380 Salta 387
Bahia Blanca 291 Mar del Plata 223 San Juan 264
Catamarca 383 Mendoza 261 San Luis 266
Comodoro Rivadavia 297 Mercedes/Prov. B.A. 2324 San Nicolas 336
Concordia 345 Neuquen 299 San Rafael 260
Cordoba 351 Parana 343 Santa Fe 342
Corrientes 379 Posadas 376 Santiago del Estero 385
Formosa 370 Resistencia 362 Santo Tome 3756
Jesus Maria 3525 Rio Cuarto 358 Tandil 249
La Plata 221 Rosario 341 Trelew 280
See this comprehensive area code list

Phone books and visitor guides:


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