How to call Argentina from the US and Canada

011 - 54 - phone number

01154 and +54 are used interchangeably to dial Argentine phone numbers from a mobile (more on the plus sign).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Argentina:

Calling Argentina explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 54 - Country Code for Argentina
  • phone number (remove initial 0) - 10 digits for both landlines and cell phones, area code included

Cell phone numbers:

  • add digit 9 (nine) between the country code (54) and the area code of the city you are calling; you will have 011 + 54 + 9 + ten digits.
  • if the cell number begins with 15 you must drop these two digits and add the area code instead
  • example #1: you want to dial a cell phone in Bahia Blanca; this is what you will dial from the US: 011 54 9 291 xxx xxxx
  • example #2: someone from Buenos Aires gives you a cell number of the format 15 xxxx xxxx; you will replace 15 with the area code of Buenos Aires (11) and dial the following: 011 54 9 11 xxxx xxxx

Area codes & number examples

Phone type Dialing format Or using +
Cell phone 011 54 9-XX(X) xxxx xxx(x) +54 9-XX(X) xxxx xxx(x)
XX(X) = area code below (e.g. 11)
Landlines Dialing format Or using +
Buenos Aires 011 54 11 xxxx xxxx +54 11 xxxx xxxx
Bahia Blanca 011 54 291 xxx xxxx +54 291 xxx xxxx
Catamarca 011 54 383 xxx xxxx +54 383 xxx xxxx
Comodoro Rivadavia 011 54 297 xxx xxxx +54 297 xxx xxxx
Concordia 011 54 345 xxx xxxx +54 345 xxx xxxx
Cordoba 011 54 351 xxx xxxx +54 351 xxx xxxx
Corrientes 011 54 379 xxx xxxx +54 379 xxx xxxx
Formosa 011 54 370 xxx xxxx +54 370 xxx xxxx
Jesus Maria 011 54 3525 xxx xxx +54 3525 xxx xxx
La Plata 011 54 221 xxx xxxx +54 221 xxx xxxx
La Rioja 011 54 380 xxx xxxx +54 380 xxx xxxx
Mar del Plata 011 54 223 xxx xxxx +54 223 xxx xxxx
Mendoza 011 54 261 xxx xxxx +54 261 xxx xxxx
Mercedes/B.A. 011 54 2324 xxx xxx +54 2324 xxx xxx
Neuquen 011 54 299 xxx xxxx +54 299 xxx xxxx
Parana 011 54 343 xxx xxxx +54 343 xxx xxxx
Posadas 011 54 376 xxx xxxx +54 376 xxx xxxx
Resistencia 011 54 362 xxx xxxx +54 362 xxx xxxx
Rio Cuarto 011 54 358 xxx xxxx +54 358 xxx xxxx
Rosario 011 54 341 xxx xxxx +54 341 xxx xxxx
Salta 011 54 387 xxx xxxx +54 387 xxx xxxx
San Juan 011 54 264 xxx xxxx +54 264 xxx xxxx
San Luis 011 54 266 xxx xxxx +54 266 xxx xxxx
San Nicolas 011 54 336 xxx xxxx +54 336 xxx xxxx
San Rafael 011 54 260 xxx xxxx +54 260 xxx xxxx
Santa Fe 011 54 342 xxx xxxx +54 342 xxx xxxx
Santiago del Estero 011 54 385 xxx xxxx +54 385 xxx xxxx
Santo Tome 011 54 3756 xxx xxx +54 3756 xxx xxx
Tandil 011 54 249 xxx xxxx +54 249 xxx xxxx
Trelew 011 54 280 xxx xxxx +54 280 xxx xxxx

Phone books and visitor guides:


Traveling to Argentina?