How to call Austria from the US and Canada

011 - 43 - phone number

01143 and +43 are used interchangeably to dial Austrian phone numbers from a mobile (more on the plus sign).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Austria:

Calling Austria explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 43 - Country Code for Austria
  • phone number (remove initial 0) - Austrian phone numbers do not have a standard length; minimum length is 4 and maximum 13 digits

Area codes & number examples

Phone type Dialing format Or using +
Cell phone 011 43 6xx xxx xxxx +43 6xx xxx xxxx
Landlines Dialing format Or using +
Baden bei Wien 011 43 2252 + local +43 2252 + local
Bad Gastein 011 43 6434 + local +43 6434 + local
Graz 011 43 316 + local +43 316 + local
Horn 011 43 2982 + local +43 2982 + local
Innsbruck 011 43 512 + local +43 512 + local
Kitzbuhel 011 43 5356 + local +43 5356 + local
Klagenfurt 011 43 4222 + local +43 4222 + local
Klosterneuburg 011 43 2243 + local +43 2243 + local
Kr. an der Donau 011 43 2732 + local +43 2732 + local
Krumpendorf 011 43 4229 + local +43 4229 + local
Linz 011 43 732 + local +43 732 + local
Linz 011 43 70 + local +43 70 + local
Lofer 011 43 6588 + local +43 6588 + local
Neunkirchen 011 43 2653 + local +43 2653 + local
Salzburg 011 43 662 + local +43 662 + local
Sankt Polten 011 43 2742 + local +43 2742 + local
Thuringen 011 43 5550 + local +43 5550 + local
Tulln 011 43 2272 + local +43 2272 + local
Velden 011 43 4274 + local +43 4274 + local
Vienna 011 43 1 + local +43 1 + local
Villach 011 43 4242 + local +43 4242 + local
Wels 011 43 7242 + local +43 7242 + local
Zell am See 011 43 6542 + local +43 6542 + local
Zwetendorf 011 43 2277 + local +43 2277 + local

Phone books and visitor guides:

  • - Austrian directory of businesses and people, in German

Traveling to Austria?