How to call Cook Islands from the US and Canada

011 - 682 - phone number

011682 and +682 are used interchangeably to dial Cook Islands phone numbers from a mobile (more on the plus sign).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Cook Islands:

Calling Cook Islands explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 682 - Country Code for Cook Islands
  • phone number - 5 digits

Area codes & number examples

Phone type Dialing format Or using +
Cell phone 011 682 5x xxx +682 5x xxx
Cell phone 011 682 7x xxx +682 7x xxx
Landlines Dialing format Or using +
Aitutaki 011 682 31 xxx +682 31 xxx
Atiu 011 682 33 xxx +682 33 xxx
Mangaia 011 682 34 xxx +682 34 xxx
Manihiki 011 682 43 xxx +682 43 xxx
Mauke 011 682 35 xxx +682 35 xxx
Mitiaro 011 682 36 xxx +682 36 xxx
Nassau 011 682 45 xxx +682 45 xxx
Palmerston 011 682 37 xxx +682 37 xxx
Pukapuka 011 682 41 xxx +682 41 xxx
Penrhyn 011 682 42 xxx +682 42 xxx
Rakahanga 011 682 44 xxx +682 44 xxx
Rarotonga 011 682 2 xxxx +682 2 xxxx

Phone books and visitor guides:

Traveling to Cook Islands?