I have a number for a friend in Kharkov, Ukraine and I do not know if it is a landline or mobile phone. I am using a mobile phone and am trying to text the number first before I attempt to call her. The phone number is +38(063)xxx-xx-xx in this format which doesn’t fit into any of the examples given on the web site.
US to Ukraine international dialing format: 011 + 380 +?? + ??? ????
For calls to a cell phone dial: 011 + 380 + network code +??? ????
U.S. Exit Code Country (Ukraine) Code Area Code 7 =Digit Phone Number
011 380 +38 (063) xxx-xx-xx
I think it might be a mobile phone she has so is the network code (063) or I will have to leave one group of numbers out to fit in this format for mobile calling or would the network code be +38 +(063)so it would be dialed as 38063 as the network code?
So if it is a mobile phone I would dial 011-380-38063-xxx-xx-xx?
Per web site format 011-380-38063-xxx-xxxx?
For land line 011-380-38-xxx-xx-xx?
Per web site format 011-380-38-xxx-xxxx?
Thank you in advance for the help I have never made an international call before so I am just verifying what I think is correct.