Hey There! 🙂
I’m having a little problem here.
A girl from the US (Michigan) asked me for my cellphone number. I gave it to her with the needed codes (011 49 178 3244???). Everything OK so far. She sent me a textmessage without any problems and called me once.
However.. when i try to answer the text message or try to call her, it just won’t work 🙁
i tried it with this number:
001 18109656???
which is exactly the same number my phone shows me as the sender’s number of that text message.
When i try to call that number, it says “this number is not in use”, and sending textmessages just fails.
Did i do something wrong? Or is this “just” an incompatibility between our carriers?!
oh.. I don’t know if that helps any, but her carrier is Verizon, and I tried it from T-Mobile Germany and (most of the time) E-Plus.
I just hope someone can help me out here .. 🙂
It’s getting kinda frustrating *lol*