Please refer to this previous post on our website:
The answer is you would dial 00444. If using a cellular phone to place the
call they can use +1 instead of 00444 1. To dial the plus sign one has to
long press zero.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Calling from Canada to Mexico is the page you should use for instructions on how to place your calls:
For example, to call a Mexican cell registered in Mexico City from Canada (either calling from another Mexican cell or from a Canadian phone) dial the following:
011 52 1 55 xxxx xxxx. Digit 1 between 52 (Mexico’s country code) and 55 (Mexico City’s area code) is added when dialing to a Mexican cell phone from abroad.
Instead of 011 you can also use the plus sign (long press zero on your mobile device’s keyboard).
The thing about collect calling is that it is pretty much a dying business. There are so many ways to stay connected these days that there is simply no demand for such services anymore.
Here’s a a useful article on Frommers:
Personally I would recommend using a VoIP service with a WIFI connection. Skype is one example.
Have you tried entering your UK number without any international codes or plus signs? See below:
44 1253 850???
Or, another option would be using just the number without the country code (less likely):
1253 850???
Or, of course +44 1253 850??? (I believe you have already tried this option).
The above are all the options that come to mind. Let me know if any of them worked.
When a Canadian cell phone is in another country you may call or text it from Canada without adding any international codes – just use whatever number you use when that same cell phone is in Canada.
If you too are traveling outside of Canada use +1 followed by the 10 digit Canadian phone number. Instead of +1 you can also use 001 while calling/texting from any European country.
To call your sister’s Canadian cell number start with double zero: 00 1 519 *** **** (the same dialing sequence one would use to call her from the UK when she is in Canada, nothing changes). The call is then automatically redirected back to wherever she is located.
I hope this helps:)
Your assumption about the US caller in the US dialing to a US caller traveling overseas is correct – they just need to dial the regular US number, as if that person were still in the US.
When dialing from overseas however the exit code and country code are needed to reach a US cell in the US or even a US cell located next to the person placing the call. So, from Sweden you would have: 00 1 aaa xxx xxxx to reach a US phone number. aaa is the US area code.
I hope this helps 🙂
Doesn’t the insurance company provide instructions on how to call collect? The thing is collect calling has been kind of a neglected business in the past few years with the new ways one can place calls via a WIFI connection using Skype or other VoIP service. Have you tried this? I believe calling toll free numbers is free with Skype. If you don’t own a smartphone or you don’t have access to a wifi connection try going to an Internet café – they usually provide ways to dial internationally.
Here’s a link you might find helpful:
Update #6
The migration from 8 to 9 digits for all mobile phone numbers in Brazil was completed in 2016 in two final steps:
-May 29, 2016 – mobile numbers in area codes 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 and 69
(States of Goias, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Acre e Rondonia and Brasilia)
-November 6 – mobile numbers in area codes 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49
(States of Parana and Santa Catarina) and area codes 51, 53, 54 and 55 (State of Rio Grande do Sul)
As a reminder, digit 9 has been added to all mobile numbers in Brazil starting from July 2012. As a result Brazil mobile numbers comprise 9 digits (without the area code).
All other phone numbers still use an 8 digit format.
The number you have is a mobile number from Ghana in Africa. To call it from the US you would have to leave out the double zero and use: 011 233 20266 xxxx.
More info at the link below:
Hi Leigh,
Try calling your friend’s Hong Kong number first. To do this you don’t need to change or add any digits to the Hong Kong number. If your friend has an international roaming plan then your call will automatically get redirected to wherever he is located.
If your friend has a local Australian number dial the following:
001 61 4 xxxx xxxx (the last nine digits starting with 4 is the AU cell number). You can also use the plus sign instead of 001.
If you are asking me which call would be cheaper:
1. In the first case you will pay for a regular Hong Kong local call while your friend will incur any roaming charges.
2. In the second situation you will incur international charges to Australia, if there are any.
I would need to have a look at the number you have been trying to dial. Check your email.
The number you posted is not a Chinese phone number but a US toll free number. 00 is the code you can use to dial out of France and the rest is the US number.
Toll free numbers are used mostly by businesses as a way to get contacted for free by their customers.
For info on how to dial China from France please use the link below:
Unlike the United States and Canada, most countries use a national dialing format for cell phone numbers and no area codes. For example all cell phone numbers in Australia start with 4. No geographic area codes (used by
landlines) start with 4.
Mexico is an exception. They have a pretty complex and complicated dialing plan with national rules for dialing both cell phone numbers and landlines which do not apply when dialing in from abroad. Argentina has a similar rule when dialing cell phones from abroad (digit 9
must be added between country code and actual cell phone number): https://www.howtocallabroad.com/argentina/
What we try to do is provide all the required dialing instructions on every country page. The reason why we don’t have a list of mobile network codes is because these codes are part of the mobile number and not added afterwards. So if you have a mobile number from any country it should comprise the network code. We do provide these starting digits under “How to dial Country X cellular” so our visitors can differentiate between mobile and landline phones.
Hello Katie.
Actually, to dial out of the UK one should use 00 not 000.
How many digits do you have after 208? Maybe this isn’t even an international number calling you.
There is no country code starting with 88 or 888 so this doesn’t look like a complete international phone number therefore it’s virtually impossible to tell where they’re calling you from. Why you are unable to see the complete number I don’t know – they might have a way of hiding it so you can’t call back.
To call or text an Australian mobile phone while in Australia use either what Australians dial nationally (a cell number looks like this: 04 xxxx xxxx) or I believe using the cell number’s international dialing format would also work: +61 4 xxxx xxxx. Try the former option first. For the latter you have to literally enter the plus sign (with most mobile devices you can achieve this by long pressing zero).
I hope this helps.
Changes in the way Chileans dial phone numbers nationally
Over the past several years the Chilean Telecom Authority has implemented some important changes to the country’s telephone system.
Here are the changes:
As a conclusion, today all calls dialed within Chile use the 9 digit format.
Some examples:
The number you have is located in Culiacan (area code 667). The rule for calling Mexican cell phone numbers from abroad is adding digit 1 before the area code. So you would dial the following:
011 52 1 (667)XXX-XXXX
52 is Mexico’s country code and 011 is the code used to call internationally from the US.
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