How to call Guyana from the US and Canada

011 - 592 - phone number

011592 and +592 are used interchangeably to dial Guyanese phone numbers from a mobile (more on the plus sign).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Guyana:

Calling Guyana explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 592 - Country Code for Guyana
  • phone number - 7 digits

Area codes & number examples

Phone type Dialing format Or using +
Cell phone 011 592 6xx xxxx +592 6xx xxxx
Cell phone 011 592 70x xxxx +592 70x xxxx
Cell phone 011 592 71x xxxx +592 71x xxxx
Cell phone 011 592 72x xxxx +592 72x xxxx
CDMA Fixed 011 592 771 xxxx +592 771 xxxx
CDMA Fixed 011 592 771 xxxx +592 771 xxxx
CDMA Fixed 011 592 263 xxxx +592 263 xxxx
Landlines Dialing format Or using +
Bartica 011 592 455 xxxx +592 455 xxxx
Corriverton 011 592 335 xxxx +592 335 xxxx
Corriverton 011 592 339 xxxx +592 339 xxxx
Georgetown 011 592 218 xxxx +592 218 xxxx
Georgetown 011 592 219 xxxx +592 219 xxxx
Georgetown 011 592 223 xxxx +592 223 xxxx
Georgetown 011 592 225 xxxx +592 225 xxxx
Georgetown 011 592 226 xxxx +592 226 xxxx
Georgetown 011 592 227 xxxx +592 227 xxxx
Georgetown 011 592 231 xxxx +592 231 xxxx
Lethem 011 592 772 xxxx +592 772 xxxx
Linden 011 592 444 xxxx +592 444 xxxx
Mahdia 011 592 456 xxxx +592 456 xxxx
New Amsterdam 011 592 333 xxxx +592 333 xxxx
New Amsterdam 011 592 334 xxxx +592 334 xxxx
Parika 011 592 260 xxxx +592 260 xxxx
Parika 011 592 262 xxxx +592 262 xxxx
Rose Hall 011 592 337 xxxx +592 337 xxxx
Rossignol 011 592 330 xxxx +592 330 xxxx

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