How to call Myanmar from the US and Canada

011 - 95 - phone number

01195 and +95 are used interchangeably to dial Burmese phone numbers from a mobile (more on the plus sign).

..calling from another country?

Current time in Myanmar:

Calling Myanmar explained:

  • 011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
  • 95 - Country Code for Myanmar
  • phone number (remove initial 0):
    • fixed - 6 to 9 digits, area code included
    • cell phones - 8 to 10 digits

Area codes & number examples

Phone type Dialing format Or using +
Cell phone 011 95 9x xxx xxx(xx) +95 9x xxx xxx(xx)
Landlines Dialing format Or using +
Bago 011 95 52 xxx xxxx +95 52 xxx xxxx
Dawei 011 95 59 xxx xxxx +95 59 xxx xxxx
Hakha 011 95 70 xxx xxxx +95 70 xxx xxxx
Hpa-an 011 95 58 xxx xx(xx) +95 58 xxx xx(xx)
Magway 011 95 63 xxx xx(xx) +95 63 xxx xx(xx)
Mandalay 011 95 2 xxx xx(xxx) +95 2 xxx xx(xxx)
Mawlamyine 011 95 57 xxx xx(xx) +95 57 xxx xx(xx)
Meiktila 011 95 64 xxx xx(xx) +95 64 xxx xx(xx)
Monywa 011 95 71 xxx xx(xx) +95 71 xxx xx(xx)
Myitkyina 011 95 74 xxx xxxx +95 74 xxx xxxx
Naypyidaw 011 95 67 xxx xxx(x) +95 67 xxx xxx(x)
Pakokku 011 95 62 xxx xx(xx) +95 62 xxx xx(xx)
Pathein 011 95 42 xxx xx(xx) +95 42 xxx xx(xx)
Pyay 011 95 53 xxx xx(xx) +95 53 xxx xx(xx)
Sagaing 011 95 72 xxx xx +95 72 xxx xx
Sittwe 011 95 43 xxx xx(xx) +95 43 xxx xx(xx)
Taunggyi 011 95 81 xxx xxx(x) +95 81 xxx xxx(x)
Yangon 011 95 1 xxx xxx(x) +95 1 xxx xxx(x)

Phone books and visitor guides: