How to call Saint Pierre and Miquelon from the US and Canada
011 - 508 - phone number
011508 and +508 often work interchangeably from cell phones (use also to text St. Pierre and Miquelon numbers).
Current time in St. Pierre and Miquelon:
Calling Saint Pierre and Miquelon explained:
011 - international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada
508 - Country Code for St. Pierre and Miquelon
phone number - 6 digits for fixed and older mobile numbers and 9 digits for new mobiles
example phone call when dialing to St. Pierre and Miquelon: 011 508 ?? ?? ??
Cell phone numbers:
geographic area codes not needed to reach St. Pierre and Miquelon cell phones
dialing format valid for calls and text messages:
011 508 XX ?? ?? or 011 508 708 ?? ?? ?? for newly issued mobile numbers
XX can be 44 or 55
Phone books and visitor guides:
Annuaire Telephonique de Saint Pierre et Miquelon - official phone guide for "Particuliers" and "Professionels" (individuals and businesses respectively), in French; phone numbers are listed in this format: 0508 ?? ?? ?? - if you are not in France or a France overseas territory drop the 0508 in the beginning and use the instructions provided above.
Traveling to St. Pierre and Miquelon?
Single emergency number: 112; alternatively: Police 17, Fire 18, Ambulance 15